then beware, lest you forget the Lord who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.
Deuteronomy 6:12
Of course, the light turns red; I thought as I came to a stop at the fourth traffic light to turn red on my way to work. I was running late for work and every traffic light I came to that morning turned red as I got to it.
The day before, when I was doing fine on time and was in no rush, every traffic light was green and I sailed right on through. I just shook my head at the irony of the situation and then I remembered I forgot my lunch. Yep, left it in the fridge because I was in a rush and scurrying around and out of sorts.
In that moment, I thought about how I get like that in my walk with God. I was running late for work because I got distracted and lost track of time. While I eat my breakfast, I like to catch up on news or sports from the night before and I was reading an article and lost track of time. Which lead to me rushing and forgetting my lunch.
In my walk with God, I let things distract me and then I feel out of sorts spiritually and scurry around and forget God. I forget to read my Bible and pray and starve spiritually and then the devil eats my lunch. It feels like nothing is going right.
As I sat at that fourth red-light, it certainly felt like nothing was going right that morning. Every light was red, and I forgot my lunch. I didn’t have time to go home and get it, so I drove to work without it but with a much needed reminder to do the important things first.
I can let life distract me and during the holiday season, I can get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season, I forget God.
So, let’s remember to do the important things first. Maybe we need a spiritual red-light and reminder to remember God.
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