Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. John 10:1 NKJV
I read these verses the other day and thought about them unconventionally. The conventional way to interpret them is that Jesus is the door to the sheep. He even says so in verse 7: Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
As I thought about these verses, I wondered how He became the door. What did He have to do to become the door? How could He become the door for us? When He created the earth and this flesh and blood world we live in, He was a spirit. When He died for us, He was flesh and blood and was establishing a spiritual Kingdom.
So, He was spirit when he created us but He was us when He created the spiritual kingdom. He had to enter the door into this flesh and blood world He made. He had to be born of a woman. To enter this world any other way would have made Him a thief and a robber.
Demons enter this world by possessing humans. They don’t enter by the door and are nothing but thieves and robbers. They’re robbing and stealing that person’s life to do their evil work. Jesus took on his own fleshly body and entered by the door of humanity, by being born into this world. The only body He possessed was His body.
He was God but to become the door; He had to be both God and man. That way He could become the door to usher us into the spiritual kingdom He was creating. Jesus says in John 18:36 NKJV My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now My kingdom is not from here.When Jesus knocks on the door of your heart, open to Him and walk thru the door He created at significant cost and be a part of His kingdom.
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