I found my boots at the bottom of the pile. As soon as I saw them, I knew they were mine, and I saw my name written on the inside. I had picked them out among all the other boots in the pile our drill sergeants had made.
Our drill sergeants had been telling us for a week to write our names on the inside of our boots. Then one day they had us change into our PT uniform, so we were wearing our running shoes. They put us in platoon formation at the front of the bay and gathered all our boots and put them in an enormous pile in the back.
“I hope y’all put your name in your boots,” one of them barked as they left.
The first time they told us to, I put my name in my boots. I had learned that if they told us we should do something; it was a good idea to immediately do it. I knew some of the other guys hadn’t and now they were panicking. It took a while to get the boots sorted out, and some guys weren’t sure if they had their boots or someone else’s because there was no name in them.
Do you ever feel like life scoops you up and dumps you in the back corner of the room and piles on top of you? Do you ever wonder if God even knows you’re there?
If you’re His child, He’s written His name on your heart. I wrote my name on my boots, but He writes His name on your heart and you are His. He knows where you are and He holds you in His hands, no matter where you are. You are clothed in His righteousness, and those clothes are a perfect fit.
Rest in that today!
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